Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Classroom Bulletin Boards

Well, we are headed into the last two days of week 5 at my school and I just got to work with students for the first time. I was so excited to have some little babies, of my own, to teach today. I've been in and out of classrooms filling in, helping in the media center, doing some administrative tasks, and lots more but I've missed having students in my classroom. I've been holding out on posting any classroom pictures, because nothing has been done since pre-planning; I've only spent a few hours in my classroom this entire year =(

Here's a few pictures of my bulletin boards. Enjoy!

Learner Expectations. I decided to not have "Rules" but rather to have expectations. These work great for all grade levels and I don't have to have simple rules for my lower grades students. 

I was loving my neon bright word wall until I found out that we aren't allowed to have word walls this year! Say What?! I don't know what I'm going to replace it with yet. 

Please ignore my ugly orange construction paper. I was playing around with how I would arrange my focus board material and forgot to take them down before snapping a picture. 

My little reading nook will look fuller soon. I've ordered so many books that I can't wait to fill up my red bins with leveled books for all of my kiddos. Right now the rid beans are grades 2-5 and a bucket of mixed non-fiction text. I was also able to scrounge up some first grade books from an old supply room (the white baskets) and I found some books on tape (black crate) that I'm going to make into a little listening center. 

September 2 was our day to change our hallway boards. This months theme was Reading. I wish I had some student work to put up or some time to actually make something super cute but I throw this together in less than 10 minutes because I'm never able to get to my room to work on displays. In the middle you see a Magic Tree House Book about space and on the neon tags I recommend a book about space for each grade 1-5. I also threw some little mult-color stars (yes, the ones we use to put on student's work) around the background to give it a little more since it's so plane. 

How are your rooms coming together? I can't wait to actually get to be in mine and get some student work samples up to share with you all! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope your new books come in soon! So exciting to get new books for reading! Makes it feel like Christmas!
    Conversations in Literacy
